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We invite you to participate in our Sunday School Classes

We have classes available for all ages.

Classes begin at 9 am

The Nursery is available during Sunday School

We do offer doughnuts and refreshments beginning at 8:30 am

Preschool - 2nd Grade
Lead Teacher: Melinda Harris

Our purpose is to teach children the stories of the Bible while having fun. ​The Children begin each Sunday in the Chapel Learning new songs. 

They then learn a Bible Lesson that includes an activity. 

Class may include a puppet show. 

3rd - 5th grade
Lead Teacher: Cherri Moore & Angela Rhew

The elementary students are taught how to navigate their Bibles. 

They learn the books of the Bible and stories associated with those books. 

The children play interactive games to reinforce their biblical knowledge. 

It is in this class that the students are trained to be church acolytes. 

6th - 8th Grade
Lead Teacher: John Wheeler


The students in this older class focus on the meanings of the biblical stories that they learned in the younger class. 

They begin to apply the lessons of the Bible with their life situations. 

High School
Lead Teacher: Tracy Ellis

The Students engage in meaningful conversations about how the Bible influences their life. They have deep conversations about their life situations and reflect on Biblical expectations. They use multiple medias to help clarify the challenges they face and how the Bible can offer them moral guidance. 


Lead Teachers: Brad & Susan Luce

An Adult Sunday School Class 

Whose focus is on scriptural teachings that help edify their spirits and encourage them to develop a stronger faith in God. They support each other through an active prayer group. 

Empowered Class

Teacher: Scottie Landess

Young Adult Sunday School Class


If you like humor, and a laid back atmosphere and are young at heart you will fit right in! In addition to a biblical lesson we make time to visit and catch up with each other. There is no reading or praying aloud required but if you can if you want to but we do not impose upon each other. We are a mix of singles and couples who enjoy having a fun time.


Open Door

Teacher: Ralph Heman

This class is scripturally focused using biblical stories to help each other build a deeper faith in God. It is through inspiring conversations that each participant is encouraged to grow closer to God.

Serendipity Class

Located Second Floor of the Education Building


Teacher Ward Billings


Scriptural based class who have worked through the books of the Bible. Currently they are studying the nation of Israel and its rich history as the Promised Land and its impact in the Middle East and in our Christian Faith.


If you have any questions, need prayer, want information about joining us, or would like to know more about our ministries, please contact us by  phone, email or fill out the form to the right to receive our emails.


Call: (573) 888-5391

Fax: (573) 888-4892


300 College Ave.
Kennett, MO 63857


Facebook: First UMC - Kennett


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